Life Manifested

An intimate blog designed to encourage, inspire, and motivate women to heal, thrive, and live life unapologetically.

Life is Ever Changing

Opinions Are Like...

December 5, 2023  

In a world where everyone has an opinion, it's easy to forget that your own opinion matters the most. It's easy to get caught up in what others think about you, what they say about you and how you're perceived by them. But have you ever stopped to think about why you care so much about someone else's opinion? 

Okay, maybe I am speaking to myself but let’s pretend that this resonates with you for a moment.  

The reason why you care so much about someone else's opinion is because you may not value your own opinion. You have allowed others' ideas and thoughts to replace your own validity. This can be detrimental to your self-esteem and mental well-being. It is essential to learn to value your own opinions and be confident in your ideas to have a fulfilling life.  

Here are a few tips to help you value your own opinions and not rely on others:  

1. Identify your own values:

Take the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Identify the things that are essential to you and create your own set of values. It will help you make decisions that align with your values, so you feel confident in your choices.  

2. Trust your own ideas and thoughts:

Believe in your own ideas and thoughts, even if it goes against everyone else's opinions. Your perspective is unique, and it is valid. Trusting yourself will help you develop a sense of self-reliance and independence.  

3. Speak up:

Don't be afraid to speak your mind, even if it means disagreeing with someone else. Don't let your fear of being judged or rejected stop you from expressing yourself.

  4. Practice self-love:

Be kind to yourself, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, and celebrate your achievements. When you have a better sense of self-worth, you won't feel the need to follow other people's opinions.  

5. Seek support:

Surround yourself with people who respect your opinions and ideas. Engage in discussions where others are open to different perspectives. This will help validate your point of view and give you confidence in your own ideas.  

All in all, remember valuing your own opinion is crucial for mental well-being, confidence, and self-esteem. Don't allow the opinions of others to determine your worth. You are unique, and your perspective is valuable. Learn to believe in yourself and trust your own thoughts. With time and practice, you can learn to value your opinion and not rely on others.

Focus On You

November 28, 2023  

"Focus On You, Until The Focus is On You"- Anonymous

We often go through phases where we feel bored or stuck in our lives. During these seasons, it's easy to focus on what everyone else is doing and sulk or cry about our own lack of excitement or fulfillment. The truth is, when we're constantly looking at others and comparing ourselves, we're not prioritizing our own needs.

It's essential to make time for self-reflection and show ourselves a little compassion. We all have the power to change our own lives, but it starts with focusing on ourselves, not others.

One of the most important things to remember when feeling bored or unfulfilled is, “we can only change ourselves, not other people.” No matter how much we try to control others or their actions, ultimately, we have no control over them. This lack of control can cause frustration and anxiety, leading us to try even harder to control those around us. However, this behavior only leads to a vicious cycle of disappointment and increased frustration.

Instead, we must focus on ourselves and our own actions. We have complete control over our own choices and behaviors, which means we have the power to change our own lives. If we want to create a more fulfilling life, we need to start looking inward and making changes that will benefit us.

One of the biggest obstacles to making these changes is a lack of self-control. We might know what we want to do or how we want to behave, but struggle to actually implement those changes. This is where we need to focus on building our self-control and willpower.

One way to do this is by setting small goals for ourselves and working toward achieving them. This could be something as simple as waking up 10 minutes earlier each day or committing to a weekly workout routine. By taking small steps toward change, we build up our self-control and willpower. This, in turn, allows us to make bigger and more impactful changes in our lives.

On a final note, when we're feeling bored or unfulfilled, it's essential to focus on ourselves rather than others. We have the power to change our own lives, but it starts with looking inward and prioritizing our own needs. Remember, we can only control ourselves, not others, so let's invest our energy into creating a fulfilling life for ourselves.


November 21, 2023  

Let’s talk about partnership for a moment.

Firstly, it's essential to understand that a partnership is not just about physical attraction and compatibility, but it's also about being in alignment with each other's values, goals, and life purpose. When two people are in the right alignment, they complement each other, grow and evolve together, and create a harmonious relationship that's built on trust, respect, and mutual support.  

On the other hand, when two people are out of alignment, they create friction, tension, and conflict that can drain one's energy and leave them feeling unhappy and unfulfilled.  

To choose the best mate, it's important to understand yourself first. Knowing who you are, what you stand for, and what you want in life is critical before embarking on a new relationship. When you are confident in your values and beliefs, you'll more naturally attract someone who shares them and who you can be in alignment with.  

Pause: I know when many individuals hear partnership, their mind goes directly to romantic relationships. However, the things I am addressing will be for any relationship of two or more individuals.  

When you are in the right alignment with your partner, you'll experience these few gifts identifier:  

1. Emotional Support: If your partner is emotionally available and supportive, s/he will be there to uplift you, cheer you on, and provide you the necessary emotional support to meet life's challenges.  

2. Communication: Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. If your partner is communication-savvy, s/he will take his time to listen, share and understand your perspectives without judgment.  

3. Shared Interests and Values: Your partner should share similar interests and values as you. This doesn't mean you have to agree on everything, but it means that you can appreciate each other's perspective and come to a middle ground while reflecting your true selves.  

4. Personal Growth: A good relationship should help you grow as an individual. A partner who is committed to growth and evolution will encourage you to pursue your dreams, try new things, and support your goals.  

Let’s wrap this up, choosing the right mate can be challenging, but it's possible if you're willing to be honest with yourself and patient with the process. Being in alignment with your partner is crucial to building a lasting and satisfying relationship. Take the time to understand yourself, your values, and your goals before getting involved and investing into any relationship. Remember, a fulfilling relationship starts with you.

Pour Into Yourself

November 14, 2023  

Far too often we set certain expectations on what we should achieve by specific milestones in our lives. We are told we should have a successful career, get married, have children, and maintain a perfectly balanced life.

What happens if we can’t meet these expectations?

What if we fall short of these milestones or even fail to achieve them altogether?

The answer is simple: we end up feeling inadequate, incomplete, and unfulfilled.  

Social norms have a powerful influence on our lives, and just like men, women also face the pressure to fit into culturally defined roles. The media tells us that we must be young, attractive, confident, and successful. We must be able to maintain the perfect body, have beautiful hair, flawless skin, and a million-dollar smile. We must work hard, play hard, and always stay on top of our game. We must be perfect in every aspect of our lives.  

However, these expectations set by society can be detrimental to our mental health and well-being. The pressure to conform to social norms and achieve specific cultural goals at certain time frames in our lives can be stressful, distressing, and overwhelming.
Often, we stop enjoying the simple things in life and begin to lose sight of what truly matters in our lives, such as our purpose, passions, and relationships.  

Feeling inadequate due to social norms is not uncommon, but we can break free from this cycle. We can challenge these societal expectations by taking the time to figure out our own definition of success and happiness. It's time to let go of the unrealistic expectations set by society and focus on what matters most to us.  

It's imperative to remember that everyone's journey is different, and we should not compare our progress to someone else's. Instead of trying to achieve cultural goals at certain time frames, we should set goals for ourselves that align with our values and priorities. We should celebrate our achievements no matter how big or small they are and learn to be gentle and kind towards ourselves.  

In conclusion, feeling inadequate due to social norms and the lack of achieving cultural goals at specific time frames is a common issue that many women face. However, we can challenge these expectations, take back control of our lives, and define success on our own terms. It's time to embrace our uniqueness, let go of our insecurities and focus on what truly matters most- our well-being and happiness.

Pour Into Yourself

November 9, 2023  

As women, we are often expected to be selfless and constantly give to others. Whether it be our families, friends, or careers, we are constantly expected to put others' needs before our own. While it is important to care for those we love, it is equally important to prioritize pouring into ourselves before pouring into others.  

When we neglect our own needs and constantly give to others without taking time for ourselves, we can quickly become exhausted, overwhelmed, and drained. This can lead to burnout and can affect our overall well-being. This is why it is crucial to prioritize self-care and pour into ourselves before pouring into others.

When we take the time to care for ourselves, we are able to recharge and rejuvenate. This can manifest in various forms, whether it be practicing self-care rituals such as meditation, taking a warm bubble bath, journaling, or simply taking a day off to relax and unwind. By engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, we can refill our emotional and physical cup, so to speak.

  When we pour into ourselves first, we are then able to give to others from a place of overflow. This means that we are providing assistance and support to others without compromising our own well-being. When we are fully charged and feeling our best, we can offer our time, energy, and resources to those we love without feeling depleted and drained.  

By prioritizing ourselves and our needs first, we set boundaries and communicate the importance of our own well-being. It is not selfish to prioritize our own needs and desires. In fact, it is necessary for our own personal growth and development.

In conclusion, it is vital for women to prioritize pouring into ourselves before pouring into others. It allows us to recharge, refuel, and rejuvenate. When we give from a place of overflow, it benefits not only those we love but also ourselves. Remember, self-care is not selfish, it is necessary for our overall well-being.

Benefits of Relaxation

October 31, 2023  

There are many benefits of relaxation, both physical and mental. Physically, it can reduce muscle tension and lower blood pressure. Mentally, it can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, enhance concentration, and boost productivity. Women, in particular, may benefit from more relaxation as they often have multiple responsibilities and tend to put others' needs before their own.  

Simple ways to relax throughout the day include:  

Deep breathing exercises, stretching, taking short breaks to walk or step away from work or responsibilities, listening to calming music, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or engaging in a creative or enjoyable activity.  

Some major ways to relax every quarter could include taking a weekend getaway, participating in a spa day or wellness retreat, scheduling regular massage or acupuncture appointments, or practicing a new hobby or outdoor activity.  

Relaxing can extend one's life by reducing the negative effects of stress on the body. Chronic stress can lead to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. By regularly practicing relaxation techniques, individuals can lower their stress levels and protect their overall health and well-being, potentially leading to a longer and healthier life.

Reset Me, Please!

October 24, 2023  

As women, we tend to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities simultaneously. From managing our homes to pursuing our careers, we're always on the go. While some level of busyness can be productive and fulfilling, it's also essential to take a break from the constant demands of life and give your mind a rest. This is where having a mental reset comes in.

A mental reset means taking intentional time to disconnect from the daily grind and allow yourself to recharge. It's about taking a step back, decluttering your thoughts, and refocusing your energy towards things that truly matter. A mental reset can take different forms for different people, but here are a few common ways to achieve it:  

1. Meditation and mindfulness practices.

Taking a few moments each day to focus on breath and become aware of the present moment can significantly reduce stress levels.  

2. Unplugging from technology.

Constant social media notifications, emails, and messages can easily overwhelm us. Taking breaks from technology can help us to disconnect from the outside world and create mental space.  

3. Engaging in hobbies and activities that bring joy.

Doing things, we enjoy can provide a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.  

4. Spending time in nature.

Getting outside and spending time in nature can help us feel grounded and reconnected with the world around us.  

So how often should one take a mental reset?

The answer is different for everyone. Some people may need a mental reset weekly, while others may only need it occasionally. The key is to listen to your body and mind and recognize the signs of needing a break. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or burned out, it's time to take a step back and reset.  

In conclusion, as women, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and allow ourselves to have a mental reset. By prioritizing our mental health, we can improve our overall well-being and have the energy to tackle our daily tasks with more focus and clarity. Take the time to disconnect, develop relaxation techniques, and engage in activities that bring joy.

Remember, taking time for yourself isn't selfish, it's essential.


October 17, 2023  

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the present moment, without judgment or distraction. In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to stay present and focused on the task at hand. However, developing a daily mindfulness practice can help reduce stress, increase happiness, and improve overall well-being.  

Here are some steps to be more mindful daily:  

1. Start with intention

Before you begin your mindfulness practice, take a moment to set your intention for the day. Ask yourself, "Why am I practicing mindfulness?" Maybe you want to reduce stress, improve focus, or simply be more present with your loved ones. Whatever your intention may be, setting it at the beginning of the day can help you stay motivated and focused on your practice. Remind yourself of your intention throughout the day.  

2. Focus on your breath  

The breath is an excellent tool for mindfulness. Start by taking a few deep breaths, paying attention to the sensation of the air filling your lungs and then slowly releasing it. As you inhale (take in air through your noise) and exhale (release air from your mouth), focus on the sensations in your body, and let go of any distracting thoughts.  

3. Be present in the moment 

  Throughout the day, make a conscious effort to stay present in each moment. Whether you're having a conversation with a friend or doing a task at work, focus all your attention on that one thing. Slow down, take your time and truly experience what's happening in that moment.

  4. Practice gratitude  

Gratitude is a powerful tool for mindfulness. Take a few minutes every day to focus on all the things you're thankful for. This could be as simple as the sunshine on your face, the laughter of your kids, or a fulfilling job. Gratitude can help shift your focus from what's going wrong to what's going right in your life.  

5. Take breaks  

Remember to take breaks throughout the day to recharge and reset. This could be a short walk, a cup of tea, or simply closing your eyes for a few minutes of quiet reflection. Taking regular breaks can help you stay focused and energized throughout the day.  

In conclusion, practicing mindfulness can be a powerful tool for reducing stress, increasing happiness, and improving overall well-being. By incorporating these simple steps into your daily routine, you can develop a mindful practice that works for you and start reaping the benefits today!

Tap Into Your Sexual and Sensual Energy

October 4, 2023  

As a woman, you have an incredible power within you to tap into, your sensual energy. However, in our busy lives, we often forget to take time to connect with our bodies and embrace our femininity. Here are a few ways to help you tap into your sensual energy and feel more in tune with your body:  

1. Connect with your senses:

Take some time to be mindful and present in your body. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, then move your attention to your senses. What do you feel? What do you hear? What do you smell? By connecting with your senses, you can transport yourself to a more sensual state.  

2. Embrace your body:

Start to appreciate your body and all that it can do. Focus on the parts of your body that make you feel sensual. Take a bath, wear clothes that make you feel beautiful, and practice positive self-talk.  

3. Dance:

Dancing is a great way to tap into your sensual energy. You don't have to be a professional dancer to enjoy it. Put on some music and dance around your room. Feel the rhythm and let go of any inhibitions.  

4. Surround yourself with scents:

Scents can have a powerful effect on our mood and can help evoke sensual feelings. Light some candles, burn incense or diffuse essential oils to create a sensual atmosphere.  

5. Explore your sexuality:

Explore your sexuality and learn more about what turns you on. Read books, watch videos or attend workshops to educate yourself. Make masturbation (intimate self-touch) a regular part of your self-care routine.  

6. Spend time in nature:

Nature has a way of grounding us and connecting us back to our bodies. Take a walk in the park, go for a hike, or sit by the ocean. Feel your body respond to the beauty of nature.  

7. Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness helps us become more present and aware of our bodies. Take some time each day to sit in stillness and focus on your breath. Notice any sensations in your body and let go of any thoughts and distractions.  

In conclusion, tapping into your sensual energy requires effort, but the benefits it can bring to your overall well-being are worth it. Don't be afraid to explore your sexuality and embrace your feminine energy. Remember that you are worthy of feeling sensual, and it's never too late to start.

Sexual and Sensual Energy

October 4, 2023  

Sexual and sensual energy are two concepts that often get confused. They both relate to our connection with our bodies and feelings, but they lead to different outcomes and experiences. If you're a woman who wants to develop a deeper understanding of these concepts, keep reading.  

Sexual energy is the energy that arises from the physical act of sex. It is a powerful and primal force that can be used to connect with another person on a deep level and to create new life. It is often associated with desire, arousal, and physical pleasure. When we experience sexual energy, we feel a rush of excitement and a strong desire to connect with our partner. It is a beautiful and intense experience, but it is also fleeting and temporary.  

On the other hand, sensual energy is a more subtle and long-lasting force that connects us to our senses and our environment. It involves the use of our senses such as touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell to create a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. Sensual energy is not limited to any specific gender or sexual preference, but it transcends all definitions and boundaries.  

Sensual energy is not necessarily sexual in nature, and it doesn't necessarily lead to physical intimacy. Instead, it is a deeper, more profound experience that focuses on the present moment. It can be experienced through quiet moments, such as savoring the taste of delicious food, enjoying the soft touch of fur, or listening to calming music. It can be a simple pleasure, such as feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin or the breeze in your hair.  

The big difference between sexual and sensual energy is that sexual energy is focused on the physical aspects of intimacy, while sensual energy focuses on the emotional and psychological aspects of intimacy. When we allow ourselves to fully experience our sensual energy, we open ourselves up to a world of new possibilities, and we are able to connect with ourselves and others in a much deeper, more meaningful way.  

In conclusion, both sexual and sensual energy are important and valuable parts of our lives as women. It is up to us to embrace both aspects of our being, and to use our energy wisely and respectfully. Remember that only you can define what is right for you, and that your emotional and physical well-being should always be your top priority.

The Importance of Platonic Relationships for Women

September 28, 2023  

Women can experience multiple benefits from having close friendships with other women. Here are some of the key benefits:

Emotional Support:

Friends offer emotional support during difficult times, including providing a listening ear, words of encouragement, and empathy. This emotional support can help women navigate periods of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Improved Mental Health:

Having close friendships can improve mental health by reducing depression, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness. Women who have strong friendships tend to have better overall mental health and a more positive outlook on life. Don’t believe me, Look it up.

Increased Happiness:

Friends provide a source of joy and happiness in day-to-day life. Friendship provides opportunities for laughter, relaxation, and fun. Being around supportive and caring friends make women feel happier and more fulfilled.

Reduced Stress:

Women who have close friends are better able to manage stress and cope with challenging situations. Sharing experiences, talking things through, and relying on friends for support can make a significant difference in how well women cope with life's challenges.

Enhanced Social Skills:

Interacting with friends helps women develop social skills, such as active listening, empathy, and communication. These skills can improve their ability to connect with others, build meaningful relationships, and navigate social situations.

Better Physical Health:

Friendships can improve physical health by reducing the risk of diseases like heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Women who have strong friendships are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like exercise, healthy eating, and regular check-ups.

Personal Growth:

Friends can provide honest feedback and encourage personal growth. They can challenge women to step outside of their comfort zones, try new things, and explore different perspectives.

Overall, friendships can be a powerful and positive force in a woman's life, providing emotional support, happiness, reduced stress, enhanced social skills, better physical health, and personal growth.

There’s Not Enough Hours In A Day, Who Has Time To Relax?

September 19, 2023  

  As women, it can often feel like there's always something we need to be doing. Whether it's work, household chores, or taking care of our loved ones, it can be difficult to find time to simply relax and unwind. However, it's important to prioritize self-care in order to maintain our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Here are some recommended tasks or ideas to help you relax:  

#1 Take a bath

Draw a warm bath with some essential oils or bath salts to help you unwind. Make sure to add some candles, soothing music, or a good book to create a calming atmosphere.  

#2 Meditate or practice yoga

Take some time out of your day to meditate or practice some yoga poses. This can help you calm your mind and body and reduce stress levels.

#3 Indulge in a hobby

Find a hobby that you enjoy doing, whether it's knitting, painting, writing, or gardening. Spending some time on your hobbies can help you relax and destress.  

#4 Spend time in nature

Taking a walk in a park or hiking on a trail can help you connect with nature and get some fresh air. This can help reduce stress levels, clear your mind, and improve your mood.  

#5 Treat yourself to a massage or spa day

Schedule a massage or a facial at a spa or take a full day to indulge in some pampering. This can help you feel rejuvenated and relaxed.  

#6 Watch a movie or binge-watch a TV show

Sometimes, all you need to do to relax is to sit back, relax and watch your favorite movies or TV shows.  

#7 Read a book

Reading a book can help you escape reality and unwind. Choose a book that you love or that sparks your interest and get lost in its pages.  

Remember, taking care of yourself is essential to your overall well-being. These tasks or ideas can help you unwind and relax, so don't be afraid to take some time for yourself.


September 5, 2023  

As women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and tasks, from work or school to family and friends. With such a hectic lifestyle, it can be easy to lose sight of our own needs and priorities. It's important to regularly check in with yourself and ensure that you are staying on track with your personal goals and aspirations. Here are some steps to help identify when you may be deficient in certain areas and need to reprioritize your life:

  Take a step back and reflect

The first step in identifying your needs is to take a step back and reflect on your life. Take some time to think about what is important to you, your values, and what you want to achieve in life. Write these things down and use them as a guide to help you identify which areas of your life need reprioritization.  

Evaluate your current situation

Once you have identified your values and priorities, evaluate your current situation to see if you are aligning your actions with your values. Ask yourself questions like, "Am I spending my time on things that truly matter to me?" "Am I neglecting any areas of my life that are important to me?" "What changes do I need to make to bring myself back in alignment with my values?"  

Identify areas of deficiency

From the evaluation, you may identify areas of deficiency in your life. Perhaps you are neglecting your physical health, not spending enough time with family or friends, or not making time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy. It is essential to identify these areas of deficiency so you can prioritize them correctly.  

Make a plan

Once you have identified areas of deficiency, make a plan to prioritize these areas in your life. Set specific goals and milestones that you can work towards to bring yourself back in alignment with your values. Create a schedule that allows for designated time for these priorities.  

Review and adjust regularly

Finally, it's important to regularly review and adjust your plan as your priorities and needs change. Life evolves, and your needs and priorities may change over time. Make sure that you are consistently checking in with yourself and realigning your life with your priorities as needed.  

In conclusion, identifying your needs and reprioritizing your life is an ongoing process. As women, we often put the needs of others before our own, so it's essential to take the time to reflect on our own needs and prioritize accordingly. Use these steps to help you identify areas of deficiency in your life, make a plan to prioritize them, and regularly check in with yourself to make sure you are aligned with your values and priorities. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential to living a happy, fulfilled life.

Community Support

August 29, 2023   

As women, we often encounter moments where we feel alone and unsupported. Having a community of supportive people around can make all the difference.

Here are some steps to build your own community and surround yourself with people who will lift you up:  

1. Identify your interests and hobbies

One of the easiest ways to find like-minded people is to identify your interests and hobbies. Joining clubs or groups centered around activities that you enjoy will expose you to people who share your passions. For example, if you love to read, join a book club. If you like to exercise, join a fitness class or group. Participating in activities that you enjoy alongside others will help you build connections and start meaningful conversations.  

2. Attend events and networking opportunities

Events and networking opportunities are great ways to meet new people and expand your circles. Look for community events, conferences, or workshops that cater to your interests or profession. One of my friends recommend as an excellent resource to find events in your area. Eventbrite is another great resource. Be open to starting conversations with people you meet, and don't be afraid to exchange phone numbers or social media handles to keep in touch.  

3. Be vulnerable and authentic

Sharing your challenges and vulnerabilities with others takes courage, but it can strengthen your relationships with them. Actively seek out individuals who you trust and can confide in. When you are genuine and share your authentic self, it opens the door for others to respond in kind. This leads to deeper, more meaningful connections.  

4. Give back to your community

Volunteering is an excellent way to bond with people and support a cause you care about. It provides opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and passions. You can start at your local school, library, museum, or church to get started. OR, go back to the list of interest groups you found and see what type of community service events they host.

  5. Maintain connections

Building a community is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort. Once you establish connections, it's up to you to maintain them. Reach out to people, engage in conversation, and make plans to do things together. Consider organizing events or get-togethers to enjoy one another.  

In conclusion, building a community around yourself is an important step towards creating a supportive network. By identifying your interests, attending events, being vulnerable, giving back, and maintaining connections, you can surround yourself with people who lift you up and help you grow.

How Are Your Goal Setting Abilities?

August 22, 2023   

Setting personal goals is an important step towards achieving success in life. Whether you are setting goals for your career, health, or relationships, having a clear set of objectives in mind can help keep you focused and motivated. Here are several steps to assisting with set personal goals.  

Step 1: Identify your values

Before setting your goals, it is important to identify your values. Can you answer the following questions?

What matters most to you?

What do you want to prioritize in your life?

Your values serve as a guide for your decision-making process and help you determine what goals align with your overall vision and purpose. Take some time to reflect on your values and write them down.  

Step 2: Determine your long-term and short-term goals

Once you have identified your values, it's time to determine your long-term and short-term goals. Long-term goals are typically larger life goals that may take months or even years to achieve, such as starting your own business or running a marathon. Short-term goals, on the other hand, are specific and achievable goals that can be completed in a few days, weeks, or months, such as going to the gym three times a week or learning a new skill.  

Step 3: Make your goals SMART

Setting SMART goals means creating objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Your SMART goals should have a clearly defined outcome, be measurable, challenging but achievable, aligned with your values, and have a specific timeframe in which it needs to be accomplished.  

Step 4: Create an action plan

Creating an action plan is the next step to achieving your goals. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks that can be accomplished every day or every week. Create a timeline or schedule that outlines the steps necessary to achieve each goal. Then start!  

Step 5: Track your progress

Tracking your progress helps keep you motivated and accountable. Regularly check in on your progress and adjust your strategy as necessary to remain on track.  

Just in case, here are some benefits of setting and accomplishing goals:  

1. Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem

2. Increases motivation and focus

3. Provides a sense of purpose and direction

4. Enhances personal growth and development

5. Increases productivity and efficiency

6. Improves mental and physical health

7. Helps overcome obstacles and challenges

8. Increases satisfaction and happiness in life.  

In conclusion, setting personal goals are crucial in achieving success and fulfillment in life. By following these steps, you can create a clear life map to achieve your aspirations and live a purposeful and satisfying life.

Don't Hold Back!

August 16, 2023   

Are you a woman who has a dream or a goal that you want to achieve but find yourself held back by fear? Maybe you have always wanted to get an education, start your own business, or pursue a passion project but you find yourself afraid to take the leap?

Well, it's time to change that!

Here are some small steps you can take towards your personal goals:  

1. Write down your goals:

Start by jotting down your goals in a journal or notebook. Writing down your goals will make them feel more real and concrete. Note the things you need to do and the steps to achieve them.  

2. Break your goals down into smaller steps:

You know the end goal you want to achieve, but it may seem overwhelming or impossible at first glance. Break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks and start tackling them one by one. This will give you a sense of progress and accomplishment, eventually boosting your confidence to take bigger risks.  

3. Share your goals with a supportive friend:

Sharing your goals with someone who will cheer you on can be incredibly motivating. They can offer encouragement and support when you need it the most. Consider finding a mentor or joining a community of like-minded women who can offer insights and advice.  

4. Celebrate your successes:

Recognizing your accomplishments, no matter how small, will help you build confidence. Celebrating your successes and milestones along the way can keep you motivated to take risks and push towards your goals.  

5. Practice self-care and self-compassion:

Taking risks can be scary, and it's okay to feel vulnerable and doubtful at times. That's why practicing self-care and self-compassion is essential. Make sure to take time for yourself, meditate, exercise, and do things that make you happy. When you experience setbacks or failures, be gentle with yourself, and don't beat yourself up. Take the setbacks as a lesson, learn from them and use them as an opportunity to grow.  

Taking risks towards your personal goals can be a scary and challenging journey, but the rewards are worth it. By taking small steps and practicing self-compassion, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Remember, the only limits you have to overcome are the ones that you set for yourself.

So, go ahead and take that first step today! 

Seven Steps to Self Care

August 8, 2023   

Self-care is an essential part of maintaining good mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As women, it's important that we prioritize our own needs and practice self-care regularly.

So let’s discuss some tips for practicing self-care:  

1. Take time for yourself:

It's easy to get caught up in our busy lives and forget to take time for ourselves. Make sure you schedule some alone time, even if it's just a few minutes each day. This could be anything from reading a book to taking a relaxing bath.  

2. Get enough sleep:

Sleep is essential for both our physical and mental health. Make sure you prioritize getting enough sleep each night. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Understand that this is a goal, it may not happen every night but figure out a way to do it as often as you can.  

3. Move your body:

Many women cringe at the word exercise. So, know that regular stretching and body movement is essential for good health. Not only does it help to keep us physically fit, but it also helps to reduce stress and improve mood. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it's yoga, dancing, swimming or hitting the gym.  

4. Eat well:

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for overall health. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Reduce the amount of processed foods and sugary drinks as much as possible.  

5. Set boundaries:

It's important to learn to say no and set boundaries. This means that you shouldn't feel guilty for taking time for yourself or for saying no to things that you don't want to do.  

6. Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, and increase self-awareness. Practicing mindfulness can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths or meditating.  

7. Connect with others:

Humans are social creatures, and we thrive on connection. Make sure you prioritize spending time with loved ones, whether it's catching up over coffee or going for a walk together.  

Remember, self-care is not selfish – it's essential.

It's important to take care of yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself for those around you. And don’t forget when you’re trying to start a practice, try to keep it simple and on repeat.

Who’s The Most Detrimental?

August 1, 2023   

Negative self-talk is detrimental to women’s mental and emotional health. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Those negative experiences can lead to a sense of unhappiness, which throws women into a continuous negative cycle. If you find yourself caught up in a series of negative self-talk, it's time to start taking steps to address it. Here are some strategies to help you get out of your head and improve your mindset.

1. Recognize negative self-talk: The first step in addressing negative self-talk is to recognize it when it occurs. Take note of the negative thoughts or phrases that go through your head, and try to identify when you start to fall into a spiral of self-criticism.

Be aware of words and phrases like:

I never…

This always...

It never fails…

Every time…

These are key indicators that there are areas of change you can work on.

  2. Reframe negative thoughts: Once you've identified negative self-talk, start to reframe those thoughts. Instead of immediately jumping to criticism or blame, try to look for more positive and constructive ways of viewing the situation. For example, if you're telling yourself "I can't do anything right," try changing that thought to "I might have made a mistake, but I'm still learning and growing." This will take practice but over time it will become easier.  

3. Treat yourself with kindness: Many women are harder on themselves than they would ever be on others. When you find yourself in a cycle of negative self-talk, try to treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer to a friend who was struggling. A few years ago, I stared asking myself, is this the way that someone who loves themselves would talk to themselves? Again, this takes time because you’ve been downing yourself for a while, in hopes to soften the brunt of someone else doing it. That type of habit, well, it takes work to replace.  

4. Practice gratitude: One of the best ways to escape negative self-talk is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Take time each day to focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for - even if they seem small or insignificant. Every completed task or small course of action that you don’t put off, should be celebrated. You could create a list a twenty action and as long as you are able to reduce that list by one, be cheerful. I think of it like this, we celebrate a baby for their first step, then as they grow older and become proficient in walking, we don’t celebrate that as an achievement. The skill of walking becomes part of the mundane. Yet, if someone gets into an accident and has to relearn that skill, it creates an opportunity for celebration again. So, is it that the skill is not important or is it that we just neglect the importance of it due to our daily exposure to it?  

5. Take care of yourself: Self-care is essential to maintaining emotional and mental health. Take time each day to do something that nourishes your body and soul, whether that's taking a walk-in nature, practicing yoga, or simply indulging in a long, hot bath. Do something that allows you to provide yourself with a sense of autonomy, peace, and rest.  

6. Seek support: If you find that negative self-talk is interfering with your ability to function or impacting your mental health, it may be time to seek out professional support. A therapist or counselor can help you work through these difficult feelings and develop strategies for coping with negative self-talk. Find someone who will provide you with actionable steps that you can apply to provide you with a sense of personal freedom.  

Remember that negative self-talk is a habit that can be broken with practice and persistence. By taking steps to address your inner critic, you can start to develop a more positive and empowering mindset - one that allows you to live life to the fullest and be the best version of yourself.

Boundaries, What Are Those?

July 25, 2023   

Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial for every woman's physical and mental well-being. However, many women find it challenging to establish boundaries and end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from taking on too much.

So, let’s address some important tips and strategies that we as women can use to create healthy boundaries and maintain them in their everyday lives.

Identify Your Needs

The first step to creating healthy boundaries is to identify your needs. This means you must take the time to reflect on what you need in your life in terms of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs (to name a few).

Ask yourself the following questions:

What makes me feel good?

What drains my energy?

How much alone time do I need?

What are my priorities in life?

By identifying your needs, you can set boundaries that will help you feel more fulfilled and less stressed out.

Learn to Say No

Step two is one of the most challenging aspects of creating healthy boundaries;

saying no when you need to.

Many women feel pressure to say yes to every request that comes their way, whether it's from coworkers, family members, or friends.

Learning to say no is a powerful tool for establishing healthy boundaries and protecting your time and energy. This also strengthens and adds value to your yes.

Take your time and evaluate all opportunities. Even if you are excited for a chance to hang with family and friends, or to partake in a specific opportunity. Take a pause, express your excitement but give yourself time to sit and evaluate if the decision you are about to make is one that allows you to feel good, energized, or prioritized, and does it support the boundaries you’ve set for yourself.

Communicate Clearly

Step three, establishing healthy boundaries requires clear communication.

Be direct with others about your needs and expectations, and communicate your boundaries in a respectful manner. This can mean setting limits on how much time you spend with certain people, or being clear about how you would like to be treated in certain situations.

Again, this will take practice and you may feel as though you are coming off rude to some people.


I don’t mean to internet yell, but you have to advocate for yourself. Not only that, but you have to take physical action when your verbal expression is violated.

In my program, I help women strategize predetermined responses to their personal lack of respect and then to that of others. This is typically a process, because as women we have a tendency to think about how others may feel and respond to our expressions. We take on their rejection or feelings, not understanding that we abandon and disrespect ourselves by not maintain our commitment to the words (promises to the betterment of ourselves) we have expressed as “boundaries”.  

Practice Self-Care

Step four, self-care is essential for maintaining healthy boundaries.

This means taking time for yourself every day, whether it's by engaging in activities that bring you joy, or by simply taking a break to rest and recharge. Prioritizing self-care will help you feel more centered and grounded, which can make it easier to set and maintain healthy boundaries. Yet again, you must know your needs for yourself to be able to provide yourself with peace during your time of self-care.

Be Consistent

Step five, establishing healthy boundaries is an ongoing process, and it takes time and effort to get it right.

Be consistent in your boundaries, and don't be afraid to enforce them when necessary. Remember, setting boundaries is not about being selfish; it's about taking care of yourself so that you can show up as your best self for others.

To wrap this up, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential for every woman's well-being. By identifying your needs, learning to say no, communicating clearly, practicing self-care, and being consistent, you can establish healthy boundaries that will help you lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Belief In Self

July 18, 2023   

As women, we are faced with numerous challenges in our lives, be it at home, work, or in society. Sometimes, we feel that we are not good enough or capable enough to handle these challenges. We start to doubt ourselves and our abilities.

But the truth is, everything begins with us!

We must have a firm belief in ourselves and our ability to be everything that we desire from other individuals in our life. And I know… believing in ourselves is easier said than done. It requires us to take a leap of faith and trust in our capabilities, despite what society or those around us may say.

Let’s be real and honest with ourselves, it can be scary to step out of our comfort zones, to challenge the status quo and muster up the courage to pursue our dreams. But it is only when we believe in ourselves that we can truly achieve our goals and aspirations.  

Think about it. When you truly believe in yourself, you radiate confidence. You hold your head up high, and you show up in the world as your most authentic self. You don't let fear or doubt hold you back; instead, you use it as fuel to propel you forward. And over time, you become unstoppable.  

Okay, so you may ask, how can we cultivate that belief in ourselves and our abilities?

Firstly, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others.

Comparison is a killer to self-esteem.
When you step into the river of comparison, you get swift away by the currents of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Instead, focus on your strengths and the progress you have made. Celebrate every small win, no matter how insignificant it may seem.  

Secondly, we need to take care of ourselves.

This means making time for self-care, prioritizing rest and relaxation, and nourishing our bodies with healthy food and exercise. Okay, I’m not going to lie I didn’t really want to write exercise, but when I say exercise that doesn’t mean working out with weights, running, or doing things that may seem strenuous. It simply means move your body. You can stretch, walk, and/ or dance. Allow the energy within your body to flow freely. When we take care of ourselves, we feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. We become more resilient and better equipped to handle whatever challenges come our way.  

Finally, we need to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people.

Seek out those who lift you up, encourage you, and believe in you. And if you don't have those people in your life, seek out online communities or support groups that align with your values and interests.  

Believing in ourselves is not a one-time event; it's a daily practice. It takes time, effort, and commitment. But when we make that investment in ourselves, the rewards are immeasurable. We become more confident, more resilient, and more fulfilled in our lives. We become everything we desire from others and so much more.

Stop Waiting For Permission

July 11, 2023   

It's time for women to stop waiting for permission to pursue their dreams and take charge of their lives.

If you won’t, I will!

Why spend countless hours in a job that doesn't fulfill you, when you could be working towards something that brings you joy and satisfaction?

It's time to stop putting your life on hold and watching others soar past you, while you remain stuck in a job or situation you don't enjoy.  

Ladies, we know that self-doubt can be a major roadblock when it comes to chasing your dreams. You may find yourself constantly questioning your abilities or wondering if you have what it takes to succeed.

The truth is, you are more capable than you think.

The new goal is to learn to believe in yourself and your abilities. Trust that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  

As women, we are often conditioned to put others before ourselves. We are taught to prioritize the needs of our families, partners, and friends before our own. This can leave us feeling drained, unfulfilled, and resentful. But when we prioritize ourselves and our dreams, we not only feel better, but we are also able to give more to those around us.  

So, give yourself the energy and attention that you have been giving others. Make time for yourself and your dreams and watch your life transform. Remember that you are deserving of love, care, and respect, and it begins with treating yourself as a priority.

You are priority number one in your world. If you have any hesitation with that thought, or if your body felt a little tense when you read that, go reread it and fix the problem. Readjusting your life so that you are priority number one.  

Don't let fear, self-doubt, or societal norms hold you back from pursuing your dreams and becoming the best version of you.

Again, you are more capable than you think. Take that first step towards your dream and watch the magic unfold. The world needs more women chasing their dreams and creating the life they desire.

So, go out there and be the boss you were meant to be!

Prioritize Happiness

July 4, 2023   

As a woman it is vital that you choose and prioritize your own happiness and well-being.

Women are usually taught to give of ourselves to everyone and everything around us. Taught to wait on prince charming to come and save the day, among many other things. However, now is the time for us to put ourselves first.

Practice self-care daily

I will always recommend that you make time for self-care activities. Think of things that bring you joy and peace. This can be very simple things like taking a bath, going for a walk, meditating, reading a book,
or anything else that helps you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. If you can’t think of one relaxing activity, that means you need to do something more immediate, right away. It’s important to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally, as it allows you to show up as your best self in all areas of your life.

  Set boundaries

It’s important to set boundaries with yourself concerning what you accept from others, to ensure that your needs and wants are being met. This can include saying no to things that don’t align with your values or priorities, and communicating your needs clearly with those around you. Without boundaries, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and drained, which will lead to resentment and burnout.

  Prioritize your passions

Do you know what makes you happy and fulfilled? Provide yourself the opportunity to prioritize your passions, whether it be a hobby, a career path, or a personal goal, it can give you a sense of purpose and direction. This allows you to stay focused on what matters to you, which in turn leads to a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

  Let go of guilt

So, it’s easy and often that we feel guilty prioritize ourself over others, but it’s important to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. You deserve to take care of yourself, and that doesn’t make you “selfish”. I have come to realize that guilt will always be present, whether you prioritize yourself or others, so it’s important to let go of that feeling and choose yourself anyways. The more you learn to choose you, the more comfortable or simplistic it will be. You have to create the habit of embracing you regardless of guilt.

  Surround yourself with supportive people

Now ladies, as you know by now. I am all about having a support system, it is crucial when prioritizing yourself and your well-being. As you are developing yourself, be reminded to surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, rather than those who drain your energy or bring you down. This can include friends, family, a therapist, or any other form of a supportive community.

In conclusion, choosing yourself and prioritizing your well-being is crucial for a fulfilling and happy life. It’s important to practice self-care, set boundaries, prioritize your passions, let go of guilt, and surround yourself with supportive people. Remember that your self-worth and value begin with how you show up for yourself.

I Am Worth!

June 27, 2023   

As women, we often struggle with feeling worthy of love and desire. Society bombards us with unrealistic standards and expectations, leaving us feeling inadequate and unworthy. But the truth is, we are all deserving of love and desire. Most recently I realized that I wasn’t living in the fullness of me. I was too busy trying to play the role of the “good girl”. Allowing people to over step and over speak because I didn’t want to come off rude or play into the angry black woman stereotype. I sat back and gave others the benefit of a doubt and “swallowed my pride” allowing others to take cheap shots and build themselves up.

Then, I realized the actions I took to “play nice” weren’t nice actions at all. They were stupid attempts that not only reduced my brilliance but caused me to abandon and neglect the myself. Then, I realized if I am not standing up for myself, speaking up for myself, how or why would anyone else do that for me. It’s a nice thought to belief that someone is coming to save you, but how can anyone else know what you want or desire if you don’t open your mouth to express it?

I realized it was time to activate the power of me.

Ladies, it's time to allow ourselves to feel worthy and embrace our unique qualities and strengths. Now, this process is simple, but it’s not for the weak. There are some steps you must take to help you build self-worth and feel deserving of love and desire.

First, you must recognize your worth. The first step to building self-worth is to recognize your value as an individual. This is not your job or career choice, this is what makes you, you. Make a list of your strengths, unique qualities, and accomplishments. There are multiple reasons why people are attracted to you or call on you for assistance; because you get things done. You know how to make a way out of no way. How do you typically support others and make them feel? Celebrate that part of you and also, limit access to that. You’ve been allowing people to drain you of that charge. Think of it this way, do you like charging your phone with a cord that has several shortages? Not knowing if you’re going to wake up to a charged phone or not. I didn’t think so. Recognize that you are worthy of love and affection, just as you are.  

Secondly, pour into yourself. Everyone has been talking about practicing self-care. Now is the time to actually pour into ourself just like you pour into others. One of the scriptures people love to quote is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” As women we show love to everyone: husband, kids, parents, siblings, extended family, church, and community. However, we forget the key phrase “as yourself” how are you treating yourself? You can’t be loving all of them and not properly holding space for yourself. That’s out of order, and depending on your mental status (output of anxiety and depression), this confirms your exhaustion. Taking care of yourself is an essential part of building self-worth. Make time for self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and hobbies that bring you joy is crucial to your survival. Treat yourself with kindness, and practice self-compassion rather than self-criticism and fatigue.  

Third, challenge your negative self-talk. If you’ve been raised or influenced to be the “good girl” type, then I know your internal critic is loud and harsh. Even when you succeed, you’re thinking of how you could have done better. Our thoughts can have a significant impact on our self-esteem. Challenge your negative self-talk by reframing negative thoughts into positive affirmations. For example, instead of saying, "I'm not good enough," say, "I am capable and deserving of love and respect." Instead of “I could have done better” say “it is well.” Again, celebrate yourself and your wins no matter how minor or small you believe them to be.  

Lastly, set boundaries and surround yourself with positive people. Setting healthy boundaries is essential for building self-worth. Decide what is and isn't acceptable in your relationships and stick to your boundaries. Say no without feeling guilty, shoot, say no even if you feel guilty. One of my teachers once said “if it isn’t a fully body yes, then it’s a no.” That’s a word to live by, so that you can learn to prioritize your needs and wants. Once you get accustomed to that it will get easier. Until that time, surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people can help boost your self-esteem and confidence. Seek out friends and family who uplift you and inspire you to be your best self. The right people will respect your boundaries and hold you accountable to the standard you set for yourself.  

Remember, building self-worth is a journey, and it takes time and commitment. Someone once said “you have to do what you’ve never done to get what you’ve never had.” Try new things and take risks in your personal and professional life. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. To uncover who you really are you must step outside of your comfort zone. This will be trying and a little scary, but it can also be an excellent way to build self-worth and confidence. Again, by practicing self-care, challenging negative self-talk, setting boundaries, and surrounding yourself with positive people, you can begin to feel worthy of love and desire.

Embrace your unique qualities and strengths, and don't let anyone make you feel unworthy of the love and affection you deserve.

Not Me!

June 20, 2023   

It's time to stop second-guessing yourself and

start taking steps towards your goals.

A vital tip for success I’ve come to understand is, progress is better than perfection.

Even if you stumble along the way, keep going.
Taking action and making mistakes is a key part of the learning process. Some
may call it failure, but it’s truly not failure unless you stop trying. Let’s
change our mindset about failure; it is practice, experiment, and provides

The more you practice something, the more proficient you get
at that thing. It provides you with opportunity to gain clarity and intimacy
with a particular exchange. In this case the exchange is the old you for the
new you.

You are able to experiment with life and what brings you pleasure or displeasure.

One day, you may be a “yes” for silence and personal time. The
next day the silence may be too great and you may want to be surrounded by friends.
Do it.

Allow yourself the opportunity to explore your wants.

You may say being with people versus alone isn’t a major choice like starting a business or quitting a job. That’s true, but before you try to jump into something so life altering,

you have to learn to hear yourself from all the noise.

Also, start choosing options that not only makes you feel good,

but also gives you a sense of enough-ness and gratitude.

If you’re reading this you’ve experience that moment or pause in your actions that cause
you to think “Should I?”

That’s second guessing yourself.

I’m not saying that this is bad, but I am asking…How often are you doing that?

If it’s more often than not, lets remedy (or limit) the occurrences
of you questioning yourself.

One thing you must do is believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back.

Think of other situations in your life, where you have succeeded or overcame,

it could be something that shocked you.

Maybe something people told you, you shouldn’t or couldn’t but you did and it was great.

As a woman, think about all the times you’ve held your
family together when they never knew how close you or them were to crumbling.
You are the super hero your life has been missing.

You are capable of achieving great things, and you deserve to live the life you desire.

Another thing you can do is to surround yourself with positive and supportive people

who will encourage you to keep going, even when things get tough.

Seek out mentors and role models who will inspire and motivate you to do your best.

This could also be a friend, coworker, coach, therapist, trainer, spiritual mediator, teacher, or pastor.

At this point, get one of each.

Lastly, Journal.

I know everyone says that or you “use to” when you were a child. So, do it now.

I would recommend having 3 Journals (you can use spiral notebooks as well).

The first journal would be a gratitude journal.

Here you will write about one thing you were grateful for every day.

Set a five-minute timer, choose a topic, and write.

Don’t lift the pencil from the paper.

Challenge yourself to do this once a day,

I recommend either as soon as you wake up or right before you go to sleep at night.

The second Journal will be for future writing.

Let me explain, in this journal you will imagine a perfect, fun-filled, free, adventurous,
loving day; what would it be like?

Imagine creating your most dream filled “perfect” day

if you could live life how you’d want it to be, with no boundaries or limitations.

Take five to ten minutes every day to just allow your imagination to flow.

If you can’t think of anything, go flip through a magazine or logon to a social media site

and look at a new house, businesses, cars, educational opportunity, the stock market,

or vacation opportunity (something, anything you’ve always dreamed of)

and write as though you are positively experiencing whatever you choose

and give details of the experience using your five senses.

This would be great to do every day as well,

a minimum 3 days a week; this journal is a game changer.

The last journal serves two purposes.

In this journal you will fold the sheet you’re writing on in half, the long way (do not rip this
paper out). After you fold the paper, straighten it back out (so that there is a line straight down the middle of the page).

On one side of the page, you will list out your wants, needs, and desires.

On the other side of the page write how out a thank you as though it has been received

and you already have full access to those things. I would say keep this very simple.

You can list the things in bullet points and you can use this as needed

there is no time limit or daily writing required.

However, I recommend reading the thank you side of the journal at least once a week,

until you physically see the manifestations; but even after I would say continue reading it.

When you have a dream or a goal, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start.

But remember, every journey begins with a single step.
So, take that step, no matter how small it may seem.

Make a plan, set achievable goals, and work towards them every day.

In this respect, the dream is the best version or you.

The goal is to not question, but to know what you need
to show up for you; in full affect.

Remember, taking action is the first step towards creating the life you want.

So don't wait for the "perfect" moment, just do it.

Embrace the journey, celebrate your successes, and learn from your failures.

You have the power to create the life of your dreams,

so go out there and make it happen!


How You Change Is Up To You!

June 13, 2023   

We change not even knowing whether it's for good or for worse. No matter where you are in life, you can always take an action that will move you to another course. 

  This thing that we call life is a journey of self discovery and exploration. There are so many people talking about their version of life. Telling you what you should and should not be doing. However, your life is for you to live.   

Are you living?   

Are you allowing yourself opportunities to try new things, fail, and try again?  

 Success cannot be success without failures, opportunities, and trials.   With trials and tribulations comes triumph but the key thing is that you must try.  

Provide yourself with opportunity to forgive yourself for any of the things that have occurred in the past. That is where it is at IN THE PAST.   

Today choose to release the actions of the past and provide yourself with the opportunity to set yourself on a new course.     

As you begin the new path on this journey that you have selected, know that there will be trials, you will feel guilty, and be in discomfort. That is okay because you have to create new habits for you. It will make you feel like you are so crazy.    

Say to yourself "I have to support myself."  Or "I got this shit!"   

You are so used to abandoning who you are for the comfort of others. This new process of self will not be easy but the simplest thing to do is to take a moment and check in with you.  

Are you OK? 

Are you safe?

Do you feel loved? (From yourself)

Is this action something that someone who loves themselves would do?  

Yes, it will feel selfish at first but while you were being selfless, you were loving yourself less. You were showing up for yourself less.  

You will now need to reprogram your nervous system and your mind to this new vibration of life. 

  The choice now is to understand do you want to be discomfort and remain in this life that you currently have or do you want to be discomfort and grow, show up for yourself, shine brighter, and be a better version of you?